How Often To Get Your Carpets Professionally Cleaned

People often wonder how often they should get a professional carpet clean done. The answer, of course, depends on several factors: the type of carpeting, the amount of traffic it receives, whether or not pets live in the home, and so on. But as a general rule, most carpets should be professionally cleaned at least once a year.

Carpet manufacturers typically recommend professional cleaning every 12 to 18 months for residential carpets. However, that recommendation can vary greatly depending on the type of carpeting you have, how often it’s used and many other things! Let’s break this down a little more for you.


Do you have allergies?

If you or someone in your family suffers from allergies, it’s important to keep your carpet clean. Allergens like dust mites, pollen and pet dander can quickly build up in carpets, exacerbating allergy symptoms. Professional carpet cleaning at least once a year can help reduce allergens in your home and make it more comfortable for those with allergies.

One thing to bear in mind is that hoovering will help remove surface dirt and dust but it won’t remove deep-seated dirt, grime and allergens. That’s what professional carpet cleaning is for!


Do you have children?

If you have young children, chances are your carpets see a lot more action than the average carpet! Spills, accidents and general wear-and-tear can quickly add up- especially in high-traffic areas. Professional carpet cleaning at least every 12 months will help keep your carpets looking their best.

In between professional cleans, we also recommend hoovering regularly and spot-cleaning any accidents as soon as they happen.


Are your pets allowed on the carpet?

This is a big one! If you have pets, they’re likely to be tracking in all sorts of dirt and grime- not to mention the occasional accident… All that mess can quickly get ground into your carpets, making them dirtier than they would be otherwise. Professional carpet cleaning at least once a year can help keep your carpets looking their best.

If possible, we’d recommend keeping your pets off the carpets but understand that’s not always possible! The best way to protect carpets against pets between cleans is to use a fibre protector, or to cover them with easily washable rugs.


Where are the carpets located?

The location of your carpet will also affect how often it needs to be cleaned. Carpets in high-traffic areas (like hallways, living rooms, and stairs) should be professionally cleaned more frequently than those in low-traffic areas (like bedrooms). That’s because the dirt and grime that gets tracked in from outside can quickly build up in high-traffic areas.

In general, we recommend professional cleaning for high-traffic areas every six months to one year. For low-traffic areas, professional cleaning every one to two years should suffice. Our team would be more than happy to rotate cleaning every 6 months to accommodate your needs!


What colour is the carpet?

A factor that’s often forgotten- the colour of your carpet also plays a role in how often it needs a good carpet clean. Light-coloured carpets tend to show dirt and stains more easily than dark-coloured carpets. As a result, they may need a professional clean more frequently – at least every six months, and possibly even more often.

Dark-coloured carpets, on the other hand, can usually go a little longer between professional cleanings. We recommend professional cleaning for dark-coloured carpets every one to two years.

It’s also worth bearing in mind grey/beige colour carpets. They can get very dirty and go unnoticed because of their colour (part of the selling point of those colours). You should get them cleaned every 6 months to ensure they look their best. It’s amazing the difference you see between cleans on a beige carpet. It seems normal at first and as soon as it’s cleaned, it’s almost a completely different colour!


What material is your carpet?

The type of carpet you have will also affect how often it needs a professional carpet clean. Synthetic carpets (like polyester and nylon) are generally more resistant to staining and soiling than natural fibres (like wool and cotton). As a result, they don’t need to be professionally cleaned as often.

In general, we recommend professional cleaning for synthetic carpets every one to two years. For natural fibre carpets, professional cleaning every six months to one year is usually sufficient. 


Do you smoke indoors?

If you or anyone in your household smokes, professional carpet cleaning at least once a year is a must. That’s because the smoke particles can quickly build up in the carpets and are extremely difficult to remove. Not only do they darken the carpet quite quickly but the rotten cigarette smell sticks to the carpet no matter what you do to try to clean it!


Do you and your guests wear shoes indoors?

Finally, if you or anyone in your household tends to wear shoes indoors, professional carpet cleaning at least once a year is a good idea. That’s because the dirt and grime from outdoors can quickly build up in the carpets.

We’d always recommend that our clients get into the habit of taking their shoes off at the door. Not only does dirt get into the carpets, but you can also track in insects, parasites and allergens that can be an annoyance , to say the least!

Here at Northern Cleaning Solutions, we offer professional carpet cleaning services that can help you keep your carpets looking their best. Our team of experienced and qualified cleaners will work hard to make sure every corner of your carpets are clean, removing all the dirt, grime and stains that have built up over time. Contact us today and find out how we can make your carpets as good as new and make your home feel bright and fresh!

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